HiLife Vitamins Blog — Brain Health

Tips and Supplements for Cognitive Function

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Tips and Supplements for Cognitive Function

Boost Your Brain Health: Tips and Supplements for Cognitive Function   While the brain may not be a muscle, the concept of atrophy and physics' laws still apply, even metaphorically. Just like the rest of our body, our brain requires regular exercise to function optimally. Here are some practical ways to enhance cognitive function and maintain brain health, along with helpful supplements to support your brain's vitality. Get Enough Restful Sleep: Sleep plays a crucial role in brain health. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Research shows that sleep deprivation negatively impacts brain activity and...

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The Ultimate Brain Food

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The Ultimate Brain Food

Did you know that omega-3 fatty acids are the ultimate brain food. The key is to find ways to ensure that patients are getting enough.  When it comes to omega-3 essential fatty acids, the human brain is like a sponge. These healthy fats are abundant in the cellular membranes of brain cells and help support brain cell formation and activity. By binding to brain cell membranes, these fats can help encourage fluidity, which is vital to healthy brain function. Omega-3s, specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also help support neurotransmitter receptors and brain cell-to-cell communication. They contribute...

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10 Tips For Preventing & Addressing Headaches

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10 Tips For Preventing & Addressing Headaches

Headaches are the most common type of neurological disorder among children and adults and are a top cause for missed days of school or work and lower quality of life. (5) In some cases, specific natural approaches may help prevent or improve headache symptoms. Don’t let headaches get in your way—read on to learn how to get rid of a headache. These ten tips may help prevent and relieve headaches and improve your overall health and well-being. 1. Stay hydrated Dehydration has been shown to cause or exacerbate headaches. (2) Consuming adequate amounts of water and hydrating foods can help prevent dehydration,...

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10 Brain-Supporting Foods for Children

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10 Brain-Supporting Foods for Children

  Food plays an important role in the development of a child’s brain. Children have very active and busy lives, now more than ever before. Their days are long and packed with schoolwork and after-school activities. The brain is constantly working to help fuel thoughts, movements, breathing, etc.; therefore, their bodies and brain need an adequate amount of fuel to stay energized and focused throughout the day. The brain consists of highly metabolically active tissue that requires a constant supply of calories and micronutrients to meet its energy needs. What kids eat or don’t eat can impact their overall development...

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The Gut-Brain Connection: Exploring the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis

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The Gut-Brain Connection: Exploring the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis

Opportunities continue to emerge to successfully address stress and mental health in relation to gut health and to rebalance the gut microbiota for better overall health and well-being.

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