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Bach Flower, Flower Essence Clematis, .7 Oz

SKU: 741273204916
Regular price $21.84
Sale price $21.84
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Clematis for people whose minds drift away from the present into fantasies of the future, or into alternative versions of the present. Often their dreams are of great future success, creative endeavour and achievement, but the danger for people in this state is that their dreams will remain fantasies because the Clematis person is not sufficiently anchored in reality to make them happen.

The remedy helps to bring these people back to earth and back to themselves so that they can build castles in life instead of in the air.

Sometimes the Clematis state is confused with the Honeysuckle state, but in fact the two are quite different. In the Honeysuckle state the person is living in nostalgic fantasies of the past or reliving old regrets; but the Clematis person's thoughts drift away to imagined futures.

Clematis is one of the ingredients in Rescue Remedy, where it is used to help the fuzzy, light-headed feeling that can come at times of emergency.

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